小樱知识 > 生活常识 > 十一月英文( November)

十一月英文( November)

提问时间:2022-11-17 16:56:59来源:小樱知识网




Time is in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, the falling leaves all over the sky return to the earth with infinite attachment to autumn.

No matter how we retain it, we still can't keep this reverie autumn. Before we have time to taste the quiet and beautiful time in autumn, November comes slowly to us with the cold of early winter.

Goodbye, October! No matter how brilliant autumn is, she will finally leave and say goodbye to the world she loves infinitely. The gorgeous turn is to better nurture the dream and hope of tomorrow. All waiting and hope is to start better tomorrow.





No matter how beautiful the time passed, no matter how many regrets left in the past, we still have to continue tomorrow. We are busy every day, just for a happier and better life tomorrow.

People often complain that happiness is too far away. They don't know that happiness is around them. They hide behind them silently and don't make public.

Happiness lies in happy work, in my beating lines, in the thoughts of distant friends, in the expectation of a better future, and in the minutes we spend;

Day after day, year after year, time flies like water. Only when we look back can we find that happiness has always been with us and has never gone far.




Thanksgiving October, she will bring all the beauty and fragrance of life to the world, let us taste the sweet fragrance of fruits; Looking forward to November, she brings us hope and vision for a better future.

Let's give hope to tomorrow. We can draw more beautiful pictures, and we can be better and more beautiful ourselves. See you in October and November. Let's start with dreams and happiness.

Let's turn off our cell phones from now on, go into nature and accept her gifts. Don't care about the desolation of the late autumn wind or where she floats?





Life is actually very simple. Missing a thing or a person deeply is like waiting for birds to sing in the misty mountains and waiting for early snow to lead the way.

If there is still no news of what you are looking for, wait patiently.

Look at different clouds on different days, the same flowers and plants pour different water, the sun moves and shadows move, the day wears the curtain gap, the mountain haze kneels for a long time, quietly changes his knees, the clouds float for a long time, occasionally Park, people stay for a long time, and let go of their mood;

Give the depressed and tired body and mind an outlet that can flow. The heart is far away, and the heart flies with the dream.





As long as there is a dream in your heart, even a grain of dust, you should try to run and generate a majestic wind and rain.

As long as you have a dream in your heart, even a grain of light sand, you should travel across mountains and rivers to interpret the wonderful sand paintings.

As long as there is a dream in your heart, even a grain of sand and stone should be tempered and polished into a dazzling pearl.

Finally, the dream will become a real inalienable resource in our life. It will become the best experience in our life and accompany us throughout our life.



人这人生,不可避免要走许多的路,遇到许多人和事 ,也会让我们懂得生命的起伏跌宕、坎坷无奈 ,从而更加向往追求幸福美好的人生。

When the moon is full, the flowers are full and wither. Life must experience dispersion and withering, just like the departure of autumn and the arrival of winter.

No matter how attached we are to autumn, we still can't stop the invasion of rain, snow and frost in severe winter, but we can try to make our life happy and calm.

People in this life inevitably have to go a lot of ways. Meeting many people and things will also let us understand the ups and downs, ups and downs and helplessness of life, so as to yearn for a happy and beautiful life.




At this time, we might as well slow down, make time for ourselves to think and be grateful, enjoy the time alone, watch the rising sun and feel the warmth of the sun;

Moved by a grass, delighted by the blooming of a flower, did his best for a person in need of help, and giggled for a cheerful and lively child;

Cheer for every love and move in life, live a rich and indifferent life, and live the true color of life.



Goodbye to October and late autumn. Let's welcome the new November with hope and passion and dreams.

With joy in mind, chase the beauty of spring flowers, smile at the heroism of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow", close your eyes, put the happiness of the world in your heart, and start towards happiness.

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本文标题:十一月英文( November)

