小樱知识 > 生活常识 > gilr(acgilr可以组成什么)


提问时间:2022-11-18 19:45:14来源:小樱知识网


acgilr可以组成air girl car


《花木兰》主题曲《Reflection》的中文歌词 如下:

look at me 看着我

you may think you see who i really am 你们以为见到了真实的我

but you'll never know me 但你从来都没有了解我

ev'ry day 每一天

it's as if i play a part 我都在扮演另一个自己

now i see 现在我发现

if i wear a mask i can fool the world 当我带上这个面具我可以欺骗整个世界

but i can not fool my heart 但我不能欺骗我的内心

who is that girl i see 我眼前的那个女孩是谁

staring straight back at me 她直视着我(在镜子中)

when will my reflection show 何时我才能在镜子中看到

who i am inside 真正的自己

i am now 现在

in a world where i have to hide my heart 我在这样一个世界我必须隐藏我自己的内心

and what i believe in 和我的信仰。

but somehow 但有一天

i will show the world what's inside my heart 我会展现给世界我真正的内在

and be loved for who i am 然后被人爱作为真正的我被爱。

who is that gilr i see 我眼前的那个女孩是谁

staring straight back at me 她直视着我(在镜子中)

why is my reflection someone i don't know 为什么镜子中的我我从未认识

must i pretend that i'm someone else for all time 难道我总要假装另一个人? when will my reflection show who i am inside 何时我才能在镜子中看到真正的自己

there's a heart that must be free to fly 有一颗心灵需要自由飞翔

that burns with a need to know the reason why 有一颗心灵需要燃烧它渴望知道

why must we all conceal 为什么我们都在隐藏自己

what we think how we feel 真实的情感。

must there be a secret me i'm forced to hide 难道我真的必须保守一个秘密

i won't pretend that i'm someone else for all time 我不会一直假装我是另一个人

when will my reflection show who i am inside 何时我才能在镜子中看到真正的自己

when will my reflection show who i am inside 何时我才能在镜子中看到真正的自己



I`maPiscesboy/gilrfromHaiyangShandongProvience.Sixteenyearsago atthedateofMarch4th,1995,Icameintothisworld.Whatanicepleasanttoseeeverybodyhere.






