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april(EXO成员CHEN 4月1号发行首张个人专辑《April)

提问时间:2022-11-21 01:17:07来源:小樱知识网

A 2016 file photo of Volodymyr Zelensky. [Photo/IC]

>Comedian elected president 喜剧演员当选乌新总统

Ukrainian actor Volodymyr Zelensky has been elected as the sixth president of Ukraine, official data from the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) showed on Tuesday. 22日,乌克兰中央选举委员会官方数据显示,演员泽连斯基当选该国第六任总统。

With 100% of votes counted, Zelensky garnered 73.22% of the votes, which means that more than 13.5 million people cast ballots for him in the second round of the election. 乌克兰官方已统计了第二轮选举全部选票,结果显示,泽连斯基得票率为73.22%,这意味着超过1350万选民将票投给了他。

Zelensky will replace incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, who gained 24.45% of voter support in the election runoff. 现任总统波罗申科在这场决选中败北,得票率为24.45%。

Voting in the second round of the presidential election in Ukraine was held on April 21 since neither of the candidates got more than 50% of the votes in the first round on March 31. 3月31日举行的第一轮总统选举中,两位候选人均未获得超过一半的选票,所以4月21日又举行了第二轮选举。

The 41-year-old Zelensky is a Ukrainian comedian actor, screenwriter and director. He has no previous political experience, but is known locally for his role of playing the president in a Ukrainian TV series - "Servant of the People". 41岁的泽连斯基是该国的喜剧演员、编剧兼导演,无从政经验,他因曾在乌克兰电视剧《公仆》中扮演总统的角色而家喻户晓。


>Gorillas' selfie goes viral 大猩猩直立自拍照走红

A selfie of park rangers and two standing gorillas in Africa has gone viral. 近日,非洲一个公园的管理员和两只站立的黑猩猩的自拍照走红网络。

The photo shows two park rangers with a pair of orphaned mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 照片显示,两位公园管理员和两只山地大猩猩在刚果民主共和国的维龙加国家公园里大玩自拍。

The park's deputy director, Innocent Mburanumwe, said the rangers have looked after them since they were less than 4 months old. According to Mburanumwe, they see the park rangers as their parents because the gorillas' mothers were both killed in 2007. 公园副总监伊诺桑•马布兰维表示,这两只大猩猩的妈妈在2007年被杀,当时它们还不到4个月大,由于从小由公园管理员的照料,已把他们当做自己的父母。

Because they've grown up with the rangers who rescued them, Mburanumwe added, "they are imitating the humans" - and standing on two legs is their way of "learning to be human beings". But it "doesn't happen normally", he said. 马布兰维还说,因为大猩猩是跟救过它们的管理员长大的,所以会模仿人类,用双脚站立就是它们"学习做人"的方式,不过这种情况不常发生。

The National Library of China. [File Photo/IC]

>Weibo posts to be archived 2000亿条微博将被保存

More than 210 million news stories published on Sina.com, together with 200 billion public posts on Weibo, will be archived under a non-profit project by the national library, according to a statement on Sina Weibo's official account on government services. 微博政务发布消息称,新浪网发布的超过2.1亿条新闻和微博上公开发布的2000亿条博文都将被国家图书馆存档并纳入某非盈利项目。

Archiving online data has become an increasingly popular means of recording the cultural and intellectual legacy of the modern digital world. 互联网信息存档已经成为现代数字世界记录文化和知识遗产的一种日益普遍的方式。

In 2003, an organization called the International Internet Preservation Consortium, or IIPC, was established to oversee the collection, preservation, and sharing of "knowledge from the global web". 2003年,国际互联网保存联盟成立,旨在对"全世界互联网知识"的收集、存储和分享进行监督。

Today, its members hail from 45 countries. 目前,已有45个国家加入该组织。

The National Library of China joined the IIPC in 2007 and has been archiving over 20,000 government websites since then, as well as information about events such as the SARS epidemic in 2003, the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, and the Beijing Olympics the same year. 中国国家图书馆于2007年加入该组织,并已存档了2万个政府网站,以及2003年"非典"、2008年汶川大地震以及同年北京奥运会等事件的相关信息。

The UK's official verdict on Huawei will arrive in coming days when a supply chain review is delivered to Parliament. [Photo/Agencies]

>UK green lights Huawei in 5G 英国首相为华为开绿灯 许其帮助该国建5G网络

British Prime Minister Theresa May has given the green light to Chinese telecom giant Huawei to help build the country's 5G network, the Daily Telegraph, a major British newspaper, reported Tuesday. 据英国主要报刊《每日电讯报》23日报道,英国首相特雷莎•梅批准中国电信巨头华为帮忙建设该国5G网络。

UK's National Security Council, which is chaired by May, agreed on Tuesday to allow Huawei limited access to help build parts of the network such as antennas and other "noncore" infrastructure, the report said. 据报道,英国国家安全委员会23日同意让华为在有限的范围内帮忙建设部分5G网络,如天线及其他"非核心"基础设施,梅担任该委员会主席。

The company had signed 40 commercial contracts for 5G by April 15, and had shipped more than 70,000 5G base stations to markets around the world, said Huawei last week. 华为上周表示,截至4月15日,该公司已签订40份商用合同,7万多个基站已发往全球各地。

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本文标题:april(EXO成员CHEN 4月1号发行首张个人专辑《April)

