小樱知识 > 生活常识 > russia(他们想看到什么样的中国)


提问时间:2022-11-28 17:24:33来源:小樱知识网




Western countries, such as Australia, Britain and the United States, now know that they cannot change China or let China make changes in line with their intentions. Therefore, they have carried out a lot of slander and rumors against China to fool their brain dead people. Their culture is so vulgar and their education level is so low that most Westerners maintain a strong prejudice against China.


They want to see a submissive and weak China succumb to the "superior West", so that they can exploit, plunder and rule from China and use all means.



Russia under Yeltsin's rule once pleased the evil west, but it is still regarded as a hostile enemy. Western politicians are very evil. They harbor the most serious of the seven sins: jealousy. If the people of a country do not obey their instructions, they will use all means to make people suffer.


China is a civilized country, like the United States, Britain and Australia. It is just cowboys, pirates, thieves and charlatans. China will not bow to weak countries. The current behavior of these "western" countries proves how inferior they are. After years of so-called "power" and innovation, most people in these countries are ignorant and their rulers are despicable liars.


The West wants a Chinese version of servants and slaves.


China will only be able to develop industries allowed by the United States, high-tech industries will be castrated, and Wall Street will gain a controlling stake in China's economy. The Chinese will work hard for the self-interest of their American boss rather than their own welfare.


China can only have the weapons allowed by the United States and maintain a certain self-defense force, just like Japan today. On the global stage, China will listen to Washington and let it go, so as to cater to the conspiracy and desire of the United States and its Western allies.


China will open access to key business industries and markets to Americans and their white allies. The Chinese will forget that China's destiny is in their own hands. At home, all kinds of traitors in China will win the favor of the United States at the expense of their own country.


The United States and its Western allies will host a feast with China as the main course:


1. Western products, especially American products, will continue to flow into China's huge and growing market, from agricultural products to luxury goods, from industrial products to high-tech products... Of course, a small number of Westerners, especially Americans, will decide what to sell to the Chinese market, rather than transactions based on Chinese demand, in order to support the GDP growth and wealth growth of these interest groups, And the living standards of its citizens.



2. An inexhaustible land of cheap raw materials, especially for high-end manufacturing, to ensure that the United States will always be in a leading position in high-tech, military, aerospace and other fields, so as to maintain its power to rule the world.


3. A world factory that uses cheap Chinese labor to produce necessities of life. So that they can get rid of low-level jobs and enjoy a rich leisure life, but China will never be allowed to upgrade the industry, especially the high-end industry, so as not to compete with the West or the United States, thus threatening its hegemonic position.


In fact, for more than a century since the first Opium War (1840-1842), China has been forced by guns and artillery to open its door to western countries, thus opening its market to western countries. The mentality of some arrogant Western whites has never fundamentally changed:


They are Superior, they should live a better life, they are people who give orders, others are just followers, they are civilized people, others are just barbarians


However, wake up. It is the 21st century. People all over the world, including the Chinese, have long stood up. They should also have a better life created by themselves. Mankind is equal and no one is a subordinate. Maybe they are different from each other to some extent, but cultural diversity should be respected. There are different opinions and even conflicts between countries. Problems should be solved through consultation and cooperation.


It is impossible to turn China with at least 5000 years of civilization into the west, especially the United States with only 200 years of history!



China's global vision is to establish a new international economic and geopolitical system so that China and some other neglected third world countries are no longer the weak side. These visions need to be realized mainly in the following ways:


1. Weaken the foundation of American meta system and obtain pricing power in the international market;


2. Adjust the balance of global military forces to make the United States think twice when trying to solve some problems with violence;



3. Provide the world with better quality products at a lower cost, so that the poorest people can afford and live a decent life.


China is still one of the few countries with embargo policies imposed by the west, just because the government and people there hold different ideologies from the West.


I think the global English media have very successfully portrayed China as a rude rule breaker. However, most Chinese people don't care about it. No one can assert whether China poses a threat to us, because every American is an individual and no one can represent the whole United States.


If China can stop reckless political elites and greedy capitalists from fooling their own people, your American journalists will not hesitate to slander China, because these elites are behind everything in the United States. Look at everything in your home. Those clothes, daily necessities and electronic products are made in China, which saves the American people a lot of money.


I also know some facts:


1. The African American people's rights movement has received the full support of the Chinese people;


2. China is the first country to be threatened by US nuclear power after World War II;


3. Western countries led by the United States have formulated the Wassenaar agreement, torturing Chinese industry for more than 30 years;


4. Historically, the United States has been deeply involved in many activities aimed at destroying Chinese facilities and promoting separatists to damage China's territorial integrity.


澳大利亚网友Manabu Takei的回答

Let me first imagine the reasons why American and Western politicians regard China as an opponent and try to change him:


Economic strength/经济实力:

The United States has been the world's largest economy for 140 years. Recently, however, China has surpassed the United States in at least one indicator: GDP Based on purchasing power parity. The GDP growth rate of the United States lags far behind that of China. Similarly, China's exports are nearly $5 trillion higher than that of the United States. Obviously, the United States wants its economic strength to remain unchanged in the first place. Now, China is doing well, and the United States is in a difficult situation under the pressure of high inflation, which annoys the powerful United States.


American politicians worry that if the country's economy accelerates, one day she will replace it, and China will have a greater voice than ours. This is a kind of pressure and worry for them.


Nuclear and missile technology/核能和导弹技术:

The United States is far ahead of China because it has about 6970 nuclear warheads, and China's nuclear warhead number is uncertain, but it may be about 300.


Both countries have the longest range missiles (ICBMs). The range of "Minuteman III" of the United States is 10000 kilometers. Ugm-133 "Trident II" is a submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) with a range of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). 11300 kilometers per hour. Dongfeng 5A (NATO report name: CSS-4) is China's longest range intercontinental ballistic missile, which can hit targets within 13000 kilometers.


Veto power/安理会一票否决权:

China has the same veto power as we do. China can use this power, which gives it great influence in the region or anywhere in the world.


Russia's support/俄罗斯的支持:

Obviously, China and Russia are friends, and China has repeatedly supported Russia's cause. China is ready to provide loans and investment to Russia in infrastructure projects. The new China Russia natural gas pipeline, Crimea deep-water port and Russia's far east railway plan are under discussion. China does not want to see Russia's economic collapse.


Here is my opinion/以下是我的意见:

Some people may say that if China surpasses the United States, the interests of the United States will be lost and China's economic growth will be unfavorable to the United States. However, in fact, American consumers have benefited directly from China's economic growth.


Due to trade with China, the United States has been able to keep prices low. Human progress will bring more wealth increment rather than fluctuation. Therefore, I believe that China's economic development will not harm the interests of other countries or pose a threat to other countries.


Some people also say that China is shaping the world with its own ideas. H. R. McMaster once declared that "China is leading the establishment of new rules and new order, which will make our world less free and safer". But facts have proved that China's rise is the most peaceful. It is difficult for western developed countries to understand the reforms carried out by China in the past 40 years.


China is completely different from the Soviet Union and the international communist Union in exporting revolutionary socialism and communism to the world. China has repeatedly told the world that it can seek common ground while reserving differences and respect other countries' choices of political systems. China will not impose its own values, economic and political systems on other


Others believe in the Thucydides trap, in which rising powers must challenge existing powers, and existing powers must respond to threats, so that war is inevitable.



However, the city-state story that took place along the Aegean Sea more than 2000 years ago will not become the curse that dominates today's international relations, and war and the transfer of hegemony will not become the main theme of China's future relations with other major powers. We can all see that China is not interested in foreign expansion and does not want to establish a new world hegemony. It only wants equal, balanced and mutually beneficial international relations.


In my opinion, China is not a threat to the United States or the world. China and the United States may have 100 reasons for conflict, but there are 1000 reasons for cooperation.







