小樱知识 > 生活常识 > 「欧洲」中新网评:“美国优先”开割欧洲韭菜,欧洲准备说“不”


提问时间:2022-12-08 16:20:15来源:中国新闻网

中新网北京 12 月 7 日 ( 蒋鲤 ) 连日来,美国《通胀削减法案》引发欧洲盟友越来越多的抗议和不满。继法国总统马克龙访美警告法案 " 会令西方分裂 " 之后,法国财长勒梅尔甚至提出,最好的回应就是拥有欧洲的《通胀削减法案》。

资料图:12 月 1 日,法国总统马克龙在白宫晚宴上发表讲话。


这份令欧洲盟友感到 " 很受伤 " 的法案,充满了美国经济政策的保护主义倾向。尽管美方声称该法案旨在缓解通胀、削减赤字,但此举实为鼓励本国及海外企业将生产基地转移到美国本土,本质是损害欧洲工业,保护美国本土制造业,提升美国的全球市场竞争力。

目前,《通胀削减法案》对欧洲的不利影响已经显现,一些欧洲企业纷纷计划将生产转移至美国。据路透社报道,总部设在瑞典的欧洲电池厂北方伏特公司 ( Northvolt ) 行政总裁卡尔松 ( Peter Carlsson ) 11 月底表示,如果到美国设厂,将可得到 8 亿欧元的援助,这是德国政府提供的 4 倍,因此,在德国北部设厂计划被迫延后。

针对该法案,欧洲理事会主席米歇尔 3 日表示,互惠公平的竞争环境至关重要,但美国政府一向优先考虑美国自身的经济利益。马克龙访美期间更是直接批评该法案将 " 分裂西方 "。但美国总统拜登回应称," 美国不会为此而道歉 "。

为维护自身利益,不顾对其他国家的影响,包括所谓的盟友和伙伴,这是美国的一贯作风。此次美国为缓解国内通胀,不惜牺牲欧洲盟友利益,这是 " 美国优先 " 霸道思维的又一例证。



除了《通胀削减法案》,美国还推出《芯片与科学法案》,斥资 527 亿美元为在美国投资芯片工厂的公司提供补贴,迫使欧盟加速推进芯片行业补贴,保证本土半导体供应链稳定,减少外部依赖。


此次美国继续奉行 " 美国优先 " 思想,弃欧洲利益于不顾,而欧盟也不打算继续承受美国任性的代价。若美国此次无法回应欧洲的利益诉求,欧盟势必会采取报复措施,欧美之间的裂痕将从经济领域扩大到政治领域,美欧同盟必将面临新的挑战。

EU refuses to be victim of arbitrary U.S. policies

By John Lee

( ECNS ) -- French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Monday that the best response to the American Inflation Reduction Act ( IRA ) is European IRA, after its President Emmanuel Macron warned that the U.S. IRA may "split the west".

With international political, security and economic crises intertwining, the U.S. seeks to benefit from the EU through the IRA, though the latter won ’ t swallow the bitter fruit this time.

The IRA, which "hurts" the EU badly, reveals the protectionism of U.S. trade policies.

Although the U.S. seemingly aims to alleviate inflation and reduce its deficit, it encourages domestic and overseas enterprises to move their production bases to the U.S. In essence, it will further protect U.S. manufacturing industries and enhance the country's global competitiveness at the price of damaging European industries.

Adverse effects on Europe have already appeared, with some of its enterprises planning to open factories in the U.S. instead of Europe.

According to Reuters, Chief Executive Peter Carlsson said that under the IRA, Swedish-based Northvolt could get up to 800 million euros ( $836 million ) in U.S. aid to build a factory producing batteries for electric vehicles, which is four times what the German government is offering. As a result, the company is considering delaying its plans to build a factory in Heide, northern Germany.

Charles Michel, president of the European Council, said on Saturday that a level-playing and reciprocal field is essential, but that the U.S. government has always given priority to its own economic interests. Macron even said the IRA may "split the West."

The U.S. government has been consistent in neglecting its so-called allies and partners to safeguard its own interests. It made the same choice again this time, with the interests of its European partners sacrificed to alleviate its domestic inflation. This is another example of its hegemonic thinking of "America first."






