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提问时间:2022-12-21 06:47:58来源:小樱知识网

599th article599期双语推文

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Every crisis is a stress test with hidden opportunities.


In 2020, a sudden epidemic crisis has given people a more perceptual understanding of "urban resilience". It has led to more rational thinking on how cities can function and remain resilient in the face of mounting and unpredictable risks and challenges.


Zhengzhou demonstrates its ability to cope with disasters and emergencies in a calm manner, guarantee the normal operation of the city and quickly restore economic growth in 2020, which is a desirable quality for a good city. Turning a crisis into an opportunity requires a focus on a city's intensive development. Let's take a look at the secrets of the city's resilience in the post-epidemic era.


Photo: Ma Jian

Resilience is the only option when confronted with risks


What is a resilient city? According to the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), a resilient city refers to a city with the abilities to survive disasters, mitigate disaster losses, and reasonably allocate resources to recover quickly from disasters. In the current academic and social context, disasters are classified into natural disasters, socially significant events (e.g. war) and health emergencies (e.g. epidemics).


Urban resilience has become one of the core elements of urban sustainable development, the focus of which is to effectively respond to various changes or shocks and reduce the uncertainty and vulnerability in the development process.


The Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the 14thFive-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Forward-looking Goals for the Year 2035 explicitly calls for promoting a new type of people-centered urbanization. It suggests that we should carry out the urban renewal initiative, and promote urban ecological restoration and functional improvement projects. We should coordinate urban planning, construction and management, rationally determine the size, population density and spatial structure of cities, so as to promote the coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities and towns. We should strengthen efforts to protect historical and cultural heritage, shape the urban landscape, renovate old residential areas and build communities in cities and towns. We should strengthen urban flood control and drainage capacity, and enhance urban resilience and adaptability to natural disasters.


Photo: Ma Jian, Song Wenlong, Zhangwenju

Balanced development and prominent strengths


In the City of Opportunity 2020, Zhengzhou ranked eighth in "urban resilience". A total of eight variables, including medical facilities, physician resources, endowment insurance, financial investment in health care, financial investment in public safety, disaster prevention and emergency management, disaster loss, and production safety, are used to comprehensively measure the resilience of a city.


The balanced development of Zhengzhou in the above variables can highlight the city's well-developed top-level design of urban emergency response. In addition, Zhengzhou has some prominent "strengths". For example, the number of medical facilities per capita is among the highest in the country.


It is worth noting that emerging technologies have played a key role in the normal functioning of Zhengzhou's urban space during the epidemic prevention and control period. Ultimately, they underpin the effective leadership and good governance at all levels, medical diagnosis, the remote operation and maintenance of companies and the active participation of the public. The negative impact on all aspects of the city has been greatly reduced, and urban resilience has been improved in multiple dimensions. For example, artificial intelligence makes medical resources and social resources highly compatible with urban space, and the iteration of mobile communication technology enables a large number of daily affairs to be processed online.


Fine management and services


Photo: Zhang Wenju, Ma Jian

With the help of emerging technologies, "smart" Zhengzhou started the construction of its "City Brain" in August 2019, which has not only changed the way its people live, work and travel, but also greatly reduced energy consumption in industry, agriculture and services.


Zhengzhou is gradually improving the fine management and services through its "City Brain" by building a smart manhole cover management platform, managing roadside parking spaces, regulating traffic lights, and monitoring sewage outlets.


In addition, the Digital Zhengzhou Industrial Ecological Alliance has been established in 2020, aiming to achieve the development goals in three years. It will establish industry-university-research collaboration and talent training mechanism with 30 well-known universities and research institutes. It will carry out in-depth cooperation with 500 local superior enterprises to build "digital corps" in Zhengzhou. About 1,000 software professionals with Alibaba Cloud Certification will be trained in one year. About 10,000 digital entrepreneurial talents will be trained in three years. Currently nearly 200 enterprises have joined the alliance, and the "base" of digital talent system has been set up.


These alliance enterprises will participate in the management and operation of the later stage of the "City Brain" project in their respective fields of expertise. They will be deeply involved in the construction of the "City Brain" project, enabling a cluster of digital industries. Zhengzhou will optimize and upgrade its industrial structure by building itself into a smart city.


Achieving growth against the trend at the crucial moment


Innovative and resilient, Zhengzhou managed to achieve sustained growth even at the critical moment when the global epidemic was at its worst.


In the first half of 2020, Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport achieved growth against the overwhelming downward trend in freight. The airport handled a total of 255,100 tons of cargo, with a year-on-year growth of 21.45%, ranking first among large airports in China.


According to comprehensive evaluation by the expert group of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhengzhou ranked first for the demonstration project of the China-Europe Freight Train Assembly Center in the first six months of the year. It was the only city approved in the central and eastern regions.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

In the first half of 2020, Zhengzhou's GDP reached 545.96 billion yuan, with a recovery rate of 2.3% higher than the national level and 1.1% higher than the provincial level. Among the 37 industry categories in Zhengzhou, 18 industries achieved growth in value added, and 29 industries saw a rise in value added compared with the first quarter. A total of 76,800 urban jobs were created and 32,600 rural migrant workers were employed. The total imports and exports reached 158.35 billion yuan, up 13.7%, ranking first among provincial capitals in central China in terms of both volume and growth rate.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

Consumption vitality reflects the other side of urban quality


What kind of city impresses people at first sight and attracts them to live and work in it? Obviously, it depends on the unique quality of the city, which is not just reflected by such rigid indicators as economic development and educational resources, but also can be found from the culture and daily life as embodiment of the spiritual quality of the city. This is the humanistic attribute of a city. This trait is all the more precious in the context of industrialization and globalization.


The Yellow River, Shaolin Temple, Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, star-shaped high-speed rail network, stewed noodles, and spicy soup...These are some of the things that impress us in Zhengzhou. But the most impressive part of this year is the "consumption vitality", the other side of Zhengzhou's culture and life.


Photo: Sun Yazhou, Ma Jian, Zhuzhe

By distributing consumption coupons, issuing 12 measures to boost car sales, and implementing preferential tax reduction and exemption policies for small, medium and micro businesses, Zhengzhou has the ability to solve the practical problems of small and micro businesses and the self-employed in a timely and effective manner, contributing to the "internal circulation" of the economy. In August 2020, the Big Data of Economic Recovery of Small Businesseswas released. Data shows that Zhengzhou was listed in the Top 10 active cities for economic recovery of small businesses in China.


In terms of business vitality, Zhengzhou ranked among the top cities in China in consumption potential and market resilience, which undoubtedly adds more growth poles to the city's economic development and gives the city a highly resilient "gold armor" to cope with risks and crises.


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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Wang Yipin

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Proofreader丨S. Jones(南非)







